Archive 2011 Meeting places, Dates and Times
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ![]() |
---Jan--- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the January 2011 Meeting January 4th, 2011, EWEB Meeting Room New Club offices were announced: President Brad Werneth, Vice President Mike Farr, Secretary/Treasurer Al Barrington. Discussion on the On-Line voting of club offices. Last year time-line was too short. 50% participation was great – suggestion given to add to By Laws. Al Barrington gave the Treasurer Report. The club ended the year with 97 members. Currently there are 22 members paid for 2011. Treasury report was approved by sustain vote. Financially the club ended the year with a balance of $6082.00. Brad Werneth presented the new budget projections for 2011. Discussion and explanation followed of 2011 budget and reasons for changes and improvements to 2011. New 2011 budget was approved by vote of attending members. MEMBER of the YEAR 2010 voting ended in a three-way-tie between Pat Willis, Marty Wittman and Jim Corbett. Ballets were handed out at the meeting for a vote-off and Jim Corbett was awarded Member of the Year. Jim was given a $50 gift certificate which he requested to be added to the prize fund for the year. Considerable discussion on the topic of Readmission Fee for members who pay dues after the March 31 deadline. By Laws will be reviewed and a proposal will come before the club membership to institute a fee or re-admission fee for late payers. Jayne Krenz was approved to be an honorary Secretary to assist Al Barrington. New business and ideas brought forward at the club meeting that are not critical will be held until next meeting which provides officers time to study and research topic. Discussion was held on fund raising, raffles and 50/50 Pot, Club Meeting speakers. Brad will check with Trump Hobbies about raffling $500 gift certificate, etc. Announcement of Pizza party at next month’s meeting- Roaring Rapids Pizza Co. 4006 Franklin Blvd. Fun Fly Dates were approved: Big Bird July 16th, Fun Fly August 13th, and labor Day Fly September 5th. Jim Corbett accepted assignment to post new AMA Rules at the Field. Next meeting - club officers to research AMA Rules about 2.4 pin and/or AMA Membership Card visual posting etc. Suggestion given to re-institute Club Christmas Party. Minutes taken by Mike Farr ---To the TOP of page--- ---Feb--- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the February 2011 Meeting February 22nd, 2011, 7:00 pm. Roaring Rapids Pizza in Glenwood Al Barrington gave the Treasury report. As of February 22, 2011 the club has $5713.25. In addition to that total, several club members paid their annual dues that night. Jason Bates is our newest club member. 50/50 raffle was a success with $88 raised Winner was Jim Corbett.. That came in handy as Jim was leaving the next day to go to Hawaii. Lucky guy!! Topic was brought up that if the 50/50 raffle pot gets to big, possibly split to give to 2 winners. That will be determined at each individual meeting depending on much have tickets have been sold. Brad spoke with Trump Hobbies and they said they would sell a $500 Gift Certificate to the club for $350. Discussion was to have drawing at the June Fun Fly. 22 tickets sold Feb. Topic was discussed as to give a free raffle ticket for guest speaker or show-n-tell at monthly club meeting. More discussion was made in regards to re-admission fee’s for member’s that pay their annual dues after March 31. The current by-laws in regards to this were also discussed. Current by-laws will be posted on the web page for members to make comments or suggestions for any changes. Those comments or suggestions will be brought to March’s meeting. Basic rules at the field were discussed. *AMA Ins covered Every flyer has to provide proof of ins AMA/club card. This includes guests flyers too. Put sign on door to reflect NO CARD NO FLY! Field awareness was also discussed. If you’re the last to leave to make sure everything is all locked up nice and tight. Bill Hastings has invited ERCA club members to the South Lane War Birds Fun Fly, July 9th & 10th @ Mosby Creek Field. ---To the TOP of page--- ---Mar--- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the March 2011 Meeting March 23rd, 2011, EWEB Meeting Room *Al went over the Treasury Report and quarterly statement $7135.94 current balance 68 members ytd. *We had a great turn out at the March meeting. 26 people attended *50/50 raffle earned the club $40. The winner was a visitor and donated his $20 to the club. *Trump raffle is going good. Goal is to sell 200 tickets by May. We have sold approx 50 tickets so far. *We had 4 members participate in Show n Tell. *We also had a guest speaker Gus Phillips. Gus discussed the War Birds Over the Pacific and what it is all about. This Fun Fly is July 9th & 10th @ Mosby Field in Cottage Grove, Or. *Brad said if anyone had a topic they would like to discussed at the meeting to e-mail him and he would discuss. Old/New Business: *Jim Corbett was awarded Member of the Year Award *Member Club Renewals were discussed. There is approx 30 renewals still due. Al went over the names on the list. Last chance effort to get their dues collected by end of month or they will be dropped from the club . We need to get updated list to the AMA. *By-laws were discussed again. Brad is going to work on getting them posted on line. Need to be posted for 2 consecutive months with exact wording so the club can vote on them and have them be in effect for 2012. *Discussion was brought up about having our meeting at different places. Possibly having more than just 1 pizza meeting each year. October 25th meeting place has been changed to a pizza meeting at Roaring rapids. *We also discussed having refreshments at the monthly meetings. Different options were discussed. So we are going to try this on a rotation basis. ---To the TOP of page--- ---Apr--- ---To the TOP of page--- ---May--- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the May 2011 Meeting May 17th, 2011, EWEB Meeting Room May 2011 Meeting Minutes *Al Barrington read the Treasury report and as of April 20th, 2011 the Club has $7681.25. *79 current mbrs with a couple of interested prospects. *19 mbrs & 2 guests attended May=s Club meeting * As of May 24th Club meeting we have sold 70 raffle tickets for the $500 Gift Cert to Trump=s *8 planes flew at the Pylon Race May 14th netting the Club $40 *50/50 raffle winner was Farmer splitting the $34 pot with the Club *Frank Blain & Farmer both brought in show-n-tell OLD BUSINESS: *Proposed By-Law Changes have been posted on the web site for the 2nd consecutive month. Brad also brought a handout. *Safety was brought up again. As the weather is starting to get nicer more flyers will be at the field. Make sure to announce take off or landing. Also make sure other flyers have acknowledged your actions as well as acknowledging theirs. Emergencies will always have the Right of Way (example Dead Stick) *Solar Power at the field was brought up for discussion. Different options for funding were discussed. Possible group of volunteers to build. Nothing at this point has been decided. NEW BUSINESS: *Will draw the raffle ticket for the 1st $500 Trump Gift Cert at June's Club Meeting and then will keep selling raffle tickets for the future Fun Fly drawings. * Big Bird Fly- in was discussed. Need volunteers to help with event. Also found out need to have a Contest Directors. Mike Farr & Jeff Ingalls will be the Contest Directors. Doug & Wayne will go get the food. Jayne= will bring potato salad Mickey donated a new BBQ to the Club *Discussion was brought up and approved to Charge a $10 Landing Fee @ the Big Bird Fly July 16th, Fun Fly August 13th and the Labor Day Fun Fly. Included in the $10 Landing Fee is a raffle ticket for the Trump Gift Cert. August 6th Benton County Club will be visiting Our Club ---To the TOP of page--- ---Jun-- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the June2011 Meeting June 28th, 2011, at the field June 2011 Meeting Minutes *Al Barrington read the Treasury report and as of June 26th, 2011 the Club has $7792.33. *Great turn out for June's meeting 28 attendees. *Doyle Cook joined the Club. Jed Orme also joined as our new Associated Club Member. OLD BUSINESS: *Proposed By-Law Changes were discussed and passed. *Solar Power at the field was discussed again. Nothing at this point has been decided. * Trump=s Raffle for the Gift certificate was a success. We sold 101 tickets @ $5 each. Gift Cert cost club $350 so club made $155. CONGRATULATIONS to Mel Graham!! He was the lucky winner of the Gift Cert. *Discussion was brought up and approved to Charge a $10 Landing Fee @ the Big Bird Fly July 16th, Fun Fly August 13th and the Labor Day Fun Fly. Included in the $10 Landing Fee is a raffle ticket for the Trump Gift Cert. August 6th Benton County Club will be visiting Our Club NEW BUSINESS: *Big Bird was a success. Mike & Brad were Contest Directors. Had 10 registered Pilots. Each Pilot was given a raffle ticket each time they landed a plane. There were 4 raffle prizes. The prizes were $25 gift certificate to Eugene Toy & Hobby. The winners were: Al Barrington was the lucky winner winning 2 gift certificates; Mark Winz won 1 and Donny Krenz also won 1. Discussion was brought up about visiting other Clubs. ---To the TOP of page--- ---Jul--- ---To the TOP of page--- ---Aug--- ---To the TOP of page--- ---Sep--- ---To the TOP of page--- ---Oct--- ---To the TOP of page--- ---Nov--- ---To the TOP of page--- ---Dec--- ---To the TOP of page---